
Saturday, August 17, 2013

Fall style//an outfit//OB rotation updates//Tanzania

Joining Jen (and Tara and Alissa) for my usual Friday-now-Saturday randomness.

1. I've really missed posting outfits but things have just been too cray cray lately with my OB rotation and the myriad of other things away electives and residency applications entail. I'm going to *try* to do better this week. This was my date night outfit last week in Chicago, and while I'm usually anti-bathroom mirror pics, I really liked this outfit. I originally discovered the shoes via Lisa (she's one of my definite style idols) and then found them on clearance here (bonus that they are the most comfy brand ever, Clarks). I just can't resist a good wedge.
Shirt and cut-offs: J. Crew Factory (old)
Shoes: Clarks
Necklace: J. Crew

2. I guest posted this week on fall fashion for Olivia (you really should check out her super cute blog and gorgeous wedding dress). Here's a sneak preview:

You can read the rest of the post here.

3. I finally watched the Bachelorette finale and there were many tears (I'm slightly ashamed that I cried during a Bachelorette finale but obviously not ashamed enough not to share it on le blog). It really was the best finale ever in my opinion (or else I was just really emotional that night) and I cannot stop swooning over her dress (I think it would be a gorgeous wedding dress in ivory).

4. Labor and delivery was busy busy again this week and I've been having dreams every night about doing ultrasounds (which I'm learning, slowly but surely), checking cervixes (or is it cervices?), delivering babies (!), placentas, and suturing up tears post-delivery (which I did for the first time this week). Despite the crazy dreams, it's been great. When I was talking to one of the residents about how much I love labor and delivery, she told me that not everyone feels that way so I probably am meant to do OB/GYN...which I think I knew already.

5. I mentioned the hospital cafeteria sushi last week:

This week I got brave enough to try it. Twice. I think twice was pushing my luck because this was the conversation that ensued:

6. I started doing a 10K training program a couple months ago, and Stephen and I are thinking about doing this run next weekend when he comes to visit St. Louis. I'd really love to do this one but none of the dates work. Although a marathon is still on my bucket list, right now I'm only halfway to a 10K and have a love/hate relationship with running: usually love (it's such a good stress reliever and I always feel great afterward) but yesterday it was definitely hate...

7. This week, Stephen and I finalized our medical mission trip to Tanzania for October. We'll be going with a retired OB/GYN and volunteering at a rural Catholic hospital that has no physicians right now. My last medical mission was to Haiti two years ago, and I've so missed being able to volunteer: my experiences in Haiti and Ecuador before medical school largely motivated me to become a doctor. We can't wait for October.

Happy weekend!


  1. this is so exciting! I wasn't aware that you could to volunteer medical work in fourth year, I would love to do this!! Good luck with the running, i have a terrible love/hate relationship with it as well. I really should start getting back into the routine, now that I'm at school. *le sigh

  2. yay for you -- GO OB!!! does that mean all your emergency med rotations are gonna be replaced by Ob-related electives?

    that's great that Stephen can go with you to Tanzania. :)

  3. I cannot wait to hear about your mission trip!

    And sushi- oh yes. I tried some from a gas station once because I had such a craving. Not the best idea I've ever had.

    Thank you again for posting over at my place! :)

  4. That is awesome that you are going on a medical mission trip! They will be so blessed to have you!

    And that Glo Run looks AMAZING! You two should definitely do it!

  5. You are like super woman! Working on becoming a doctor while being married, spending time with your spouse, blogging and running! How do you do it??? I am guessing you have some amazing time management skills and if that is the case please share them!
    You should do the Glo run! It would be a lot of fun and somehow you always manange to juggle everything anyway! :)

  6. I have that same gingham shirt from J. Crew and it's one of my all time favs!
    Thanks for linking up for Favorite Fashion Friday. Hope to see you back tomorrow!
    Penniless Socialite
    Necklace Giveaway!


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