
Friday, January 18, 2013

Friday Quick Takes

Another Friday = another Quick Takes via Jen! Here's the usual, med school moments, and inspiration/thoughts from this week:


1. Fav outfit this week consisting of my three favorite things: pink + polka dots + chambray.

2. J. Crew has some seriously amazing blazers, and I found some Target look-a-likes here.

Also, some great finds here if you are in the market for polka dot tights...

Polka dot tights

3. I was feeling sort of discouraged one morning this week...not exactly sure why, but maybe partly from pulling looong shifts between clinic hours and hospital rounding (our attending is the only pediatrician in town so he's on call 24/7) + being away from my hubby on this rotation. Anyways, I was having that feeling of why did I go to med school again? It's funny though, because affirmation came that day from three places I least expected it (two patients' parents and my attending)...God knows when we need a little pick-me-up.                                

4. And on a more lighthearted note, most hilarious/awkward pediatrics comment of the week as my attending physician and I left a patient room: "Mommy, are they married?" Seriously, where do kids get this stuff from?


5. Another romantic dinner for Stephen and I (while I was home over the weekend): Thai take out. I'm sad to say that this is dinner at least two (ok three...maybe four...) nights/month. Mine has tofu, which makes it probably about as healthy as the burger king veggie burger I had last week...


6. Sadly, my grandpa passed away on Tuesday morning. It was one month before his 95th birthday, and he and my grandmother had been married 66 years. We will miss you, Grandpa Ted. 

7. This week marked the third anniversary of the devastating earthquake in Haiti. I volunteered with a relief team shortly after, the first of many trips to Haiti, and it forever changed me. This is a little boy we took care of, "David", who was found by relief workers after he lost his parents in the earthquake. Pray for Haiti... 

Have a lovely weekend.


  1. So sorry about your grandfather, Erika; I'll pray for you and your family. On a slightly happier note, I'm dying over that pink blazer! I'll have to go search for a lookalike!

  2. Glad to hear you had a few pick-me-ups, but also know that prayers are headed your family's way for your grandfather.

  3. Thank God for pick me ups on bad med school days.

    Love those blazers. Need the orange one!

    So sorry to hear about your grandpa. Prayers.


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