Friday Quick Takes

Friday, January 11, 2013

1. I spent a day this week with an Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist and most of our day was spent sticking this lovely device down people's noses. I can't say that I didn't like seeing the stellar view of the trachea, epiglottis, and vocal cords, but is it weird that the inside of people's noses gross me out way more than anything about labor and delivery or trauma/ER? I guess that I am not going to be an ENT doc...


2. Stephen drove all the way to the hospital house where I'm staying on my rural rotation and this was our romantic dinner. Sadly, he was waiting a few hours for me because we had a new baby to take care of in the hospital after the clinic was over...and then our attending physician decided to add a lecture...and by the time I got back to the house I barely had time to eat some Burger King (healthy I know, but I did have a veggie burger) and go to bed....ijustlovemedschoolsodarnmuch (poor Stephen).

3. One of my friends posted this on facebook and I almost died laughing: "Delivering a baby is fun; but who knew lifting them towards the OR lamp and singing "Circle of Life" is frowned upon? @MedStudentProbl"

4. I'm not really sure what med students did before dry shampoo, and I'm not sure what I would do without this amazing stuff (especially on weeks like this). I'm infinitely grateful to it for giving me approximately 22 minutes of extra sleep this week.

5. I rarely go to movies, but over Christmas break I saw "Les Miserables" and it was completely worth it. I love the storyline: Jean Valjean's life of doing good for others was inspired by the kindness and forgiveness a priest showed to him when he felt he least deserved it. And also, my sister and I have been singing "Who am I...I'm Jean Veljean!!" to each other every opportunity we get (here's another hilarious rendition she found). So.inspiring.

6. I am so proud of my red-beans-and-rice-success (see last weeks Quick Takes) that I shared a close up picture and the recipe here. It's so easy and so good, I promise!

7. I kind of love these polka dot tights.

I think this my be the most random ever Friday Quick Takes. Yes. Have a lovely weekend! Linking up with Jen.


  1. Ugh, I am also obsessed with dry shampoo, and with those tights! I've been looking for a polka dot pair in black or navy. Have a good weekend, Erika!

    1. Isn't dry shampoo the best?! I've been looking for polka dots too, Madewell has some great ivory ones on sale!

  2. I have given into Burger King's tasty temptation far too many times this year. Their popcorn chicken is fabulous after a 24 hour call. FYI.

    Ok, dry shampoo? Spill? What is it? How does it work? How do I find some of this magical extra 22 minutes of sleep in a bottle?

    Also, polka dot tights? I NEED those!

    1. I might have to try that popcorn chicken after my next call :) My veggie burger and fries was perfecto after that 14 hour day!

      Dry shampoo is my best just spray it on your roots and run it through with a brush (or your fingers!) and you are good to go! Getting ready in the morning is sooo much faster without washing my hair, and I can easily get away with two days of dry shampooing in between washes (only 3 days of washing/drying my hair per week = extra sleep time!) I use this stuff: A little pricey, but it lasts a long time and smells amazing!

      Yay polka dot tights!

  3. Oh my gosh, I nearly choked at that Circle of Life joke.

    1. I think I almost cried I was laughing so hard :)

  4. OMG #3! I dunno... I would totally have laughed if they'd done that during my emergency c-section... if I hadn't been so drugged and my son's Apgar scores hadn't been 1 and 6.

    1. I am definitely going to be thinking of the Circle of Life during my next c-section (hopefully I don't start laughing)... wouldn't have been so funny though with your son's APGAR scores, yikes!


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